Ruth Anumo Francis | SheCodes

Ruth Anumo Francis

🇳🇬 Nigerian living in Yenagoa , 🇳🇬 Nigeria
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Ruth's Story I've always been fascinated by technology and problem-solving. Growing up, I was that kid who took apart and reassembled gadgets to figure out how they worked. My interest in coding started in high school when I stumbled upon a coding club. I was intrigued by the idea of creating something from scratch using just a few lines of code. Our club leader taught us the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and I was hooked! I spent hours coding, experimenting, and building small projects. I loved the feeling of bringing my ideas to life and seeing the impact it had on others. From there, I knew I wanted to pursue a career in tech. In college, I delved deeper into computer science, exploring programming languages like Python, Java, and C++. I worked on personal projects, contributed to open-source initiatives, and collaborated with fellow coders. Now, I'm passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience with others, helping them navigate the world of coding and technology. It's amazing to see how code can transform lives and create new opportunities!

🙋‍♀️ Ruth's Motivation

I've always been drawn to the world of tech and innovation, and I believe that coding is a superpower that can unlock endless possibilities. My motivation for learning how to code with SheCodes is to gain the skills and confidence to pursue a career in tech. I want to be able to build solutions that make a real difference in people's lives, whether it's through creating accessible healthcare platforms, developing sustainable environmental tools, or designing inclusive educational resources. I'm particularly inspired by the SheCodes community because of its emphasis on supporting and empowering women in tech. As a woman in a male-dominated field, I've often felt intimidated or unsure of my place. But with SheCodes, I feel like I've found a tribe of like-minded individuals who understand my struggles and are cheering me on every step of the way. Through SheCodes, I hope to gain not only technical skills but also the courage and resilience to break down barriers and push boundaries in the tech industry. I'm eager to connect with fellow coders, learn from their experiences, and contribute my own unique perspective to the community. Ultimately, my goal is to become a proficient coder who can create positive impact, inspire others, and show the world what's possible when women in tech come together to support and uplift each other!

🤹‍♀️ Ruth's Hobbies

1. Reading: I devour books on history, science, and fiction. I find it fascinating to explore different perspectives and worlds. 2. Hiking: Connecting with nature and challenging myself physically is incredibly fulfilling. 3. Photography: Capturing moments and beauty through the lens is a great way to express my creativity. 4. Cooking: Experimenting with new recipes and flavors is a fun way to combine art and science. 5. Traveling: Exploring new cultures, meeting people, and trying new foods is an incredible way to broaden my horizons. 6. Learning new languages: Understanding different languages and communication styles fascinates me. 7. Volunteering: Giving back to the community and making a positive impact is essential to me. 8. Writing: Expressing myself through words and storytelling is a great way to process my thoughts and emotions. 9. Practicing yoga: Finding balance and calm in a busy world is crucial. 10. Spending time with loved ones: Nurturing relationships and creating memories with family and friends is priceless. These activities bring me joy, help me grow, and provide a healthy work-life balance!


Ruth's coding training

Ruth has gained access to SheCodes Plus for at no cost. It’s a 4 month coding training that’ll take her from a beginner to a professional.

She'll learn popular technologies, from HTML, CSS, JavaScript and development tools. She'll also get to build her own online portfolio to showcase to potential employers!

📦 SheCodes Plus includes all of our workshops:
1. Basics Coding Workshop (3 weeks)
2. Basics Add-on (1 week)
3. Plus Coding Workshop (8 weeks)
4. Plus Add-on (2 weeks)
She’ll gain access to each portion after finishing the preceding portion. She’ll build up her coding knowledge gradually along the way. 🙌

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SheCodes Foundation Mission

Women currently hold 25% of coding jobs and earn 30% less money than men. In most developing countries, more than 65% of women don't have bank accounts and cannot afford to invest in their education.

SheCodes is here to help provide women in developing countries with the opportunity to learn how to code for free. SheCodes offers a solid introduction to product development, product design and product management.


Why learn how to code?

Coding knowledge creates new job opportunities, improves your analytical thinking, and enhances your personal or professional skill set.

Get a Job in Tech

Learning how to code provides you with new career opportunities and helps make you a more marketable employee in our increasingly technological job market.

Grow Your Skill Set

Gain some coding knowledge to improve your personal or professional skill set.

Improve Your Analytical Thinking

Learning how to code improves your analytical thinking, which is a critical skill to have in the workplace.


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